Aliza Vellani bio

Aliza Vellani is an Canadian actress who lives in British Columbia, is an actor and film director. Vellani is most well-known for her character, Rani Singh, in Netflix's Sweet Tooth. Aliza Vellani is an actor located within Vancouver, Canada has over 10 years of work experience in Canada and America. Vellani's credits include the hit show Little Mosque on the Prairie CBC, The X-Files '(FOX), and Marvel's Super Hero Adventures'(Disney+). Nora Allen will occur sometime between 2024 and 2019 in Central City to Barry Allen. Nora Allen is named for her maternal grandmother who died in 2024. Barry was never seen again until 2024. Barry disappeared after an altercation against Reverse Flash and had to leave Nora solely to the care that of her maternal grandmother. Vellani is the daughter of Indians from East Africa who immigrated to Vancouver. While she was a student at the York House School, Vellani started her education very young. The awards she received for her work in arts and culture in BC and National Istar Awards were won by her both in 2007 and2008. Vellani continued to train in acting, dance and voice even after graduating. The Midseason Flash premiere exposed the secret plot of Nora and Eobard Tawne, aka Reverse Flash. Vellani was supposed to study the integration of media in OCAD U, however she postponed those plans to play the role. Marvel was the name that ended up being her college education. She resided in an Atlanta residence complex along with younger actors.


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